The Lily of Garlemald
Phaet Allity

Name: Phaet Allity
Age: Unknown (approximately 28 years of age)
Birthplace: Unknown
Hometown: Gridania
Likes: Gardening, reading, going on a stroll through the woods, lemonade.
Dislikes: Loud sounds, thunderstorms, darkness, cucumbers.
Personality: Phaet tends to be an introvert in most situations. He does not tend to speak up too often, however if a situation arises where he needs to stand his ground he will do so accordingly. Protective and caring to those he deems close to him, he will go out of his way to make sure they are comfortable and cared for.
Habits: He tends to be too self-conscious with his appearance due to past, negative experiences with Gridanian residents and their prejudices towards him. He will often hide his smile and is wary of how others perceive his Aura features.

Phaet first arrived in Gridania as just a young child, smuggled in by an escaped guard from Garlemald. He lacks any remembrance of any events prior to his arrival to Gridania, only being able to speak a few words at a time and carrying with him fears of the dark and harsh sounds. He was passed along from home to home, never finding a family that felt he was suited enough to join. One day he eventually arrived at the Conjurer's Guild and with one glance, the Padjal accepted him and he was taken under the direct wing of E-Sumi-Yan. Phaet showed an immediate affinity towards healing magic and quickly excelled through his studies. Despite his advanced progress, he never truly felt at home in Gridania as he was constantly alienated for his appearance and lack of history. When he became of age to take care of himself, Phaet felt it was time to find his place in the world and to find where he truly belonged.

Phaet was the result of an experiment program in Garlemald dubbed the FLOS Project in which Garlemald was attempting to create a weaponized vessel that could control Light Aether. The original Phaet was a deceased Aura child that was used as a base for a massive cloning endeavor until a final, perfect subject was achieved. A Garlean guard who had witnessed the horrors of the program and the torment the cloned children had endured eventually helped secure the final child and helped him escape to Aldenard. When they arrived to Gridania, they were immediately surrounded by the Yellow Serpents where the Guard was arrested on site and Phaet was removed from his custody. Phaet has no recollection of any events before his arrival to Gridania and he is unaware of the powers that he possesses.